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Perfect Chess Database

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Orazio Puglisi

Professeur et Entraineur FFE

06 14 35 15 52


HomePerfect Chess TrainerNewsFeaturesScreenshots

© Michael Bartl 2013-2015


Perfect Chess Database is a new operating system independent chess database


Key Features:

– new chess database format PCDB– big database (2,6 million games) can be downloaded from within the app– open PCDB/PGN databases– new PCDB/PGN database– delete PCDB/PGN databases– compact PCDB/PGN databases– new games / new positions– edit games– add comments and symbols (!, ?, +-, …)– add colored squares and arrows– search games by player, date, elo, event, site, position, material, …– mass tag games– show opening books– create opening books from databases– download the latest issues of TWIC– add UCI engines– auto replay game

Perfect Chess Database The chess database for everyoneWindows 64bit


Windows 32bit

(20 Euro)

Linux 64bitLinux 32bitMacOSX 64bitHome

Vous voulez organiser une formation Perfect Chess Database

Contactez-moi pour établir un devis !

Orazio Puglisi

Professeur et Entraineur FFE

06 14 35 15 52


© 2024 Leçons vidéos et Cours d'échecs

Thème par Anders Norén