Leçons vidéos et Cours d'échecs

A ceux qui fatigués d'apprendre veulent enfin savoir !

Livres en langues étrangères

Livres en langues étrangères  

The Turk, chess automaton 
Gerald Lewitt
Mc Farland 2000. Grand format, cartonné. 260 pages

Chess explorations 
Edward Winter
Cadogan, Londres, 1996. 345 pages

Kings, commoners and knaves : Further chess explorations 
Edward Winter
Russell Enterprises, USA 1999

The write move. An anthology of the best writing in correspondence chess 
Tim Harding (éd.)
2005, ChessMail. 160 pages

L’art des Echecs

Colleen Schafroth

Editions de la Martinière

Livres en anglais par niveau !



1) Chess Tactics for Students by John Bain
2) Logical Chess Move by Move by Irving Chernev
3) Polgar’s 5334 Chess Problems by Polgar
4) Winning Chess Tactics by Seirawan
5) Pandolfini’s Endgame Course by Bruce Pandolfini
6) Chess Fundamentals by Capablanca
7) Lasker’s Manual of Chess by E. Lasker  The Ideas Behind the Chess Openings by Ruben Fine

1) Modern Chess Strategy by Ludek Pachman
2) Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played by Irving Chernev
3) Combination Challenge by Lou Hays
4) Marshall’s Best Games of Chess
5) Best Lessons of a Chess Coach by Weeramantry & Eusebi
6) 1001 Sacrifices and Combinations by Fred Reinfeld


1) The Amateur’s Mind by J. Silman
2) Alekhine’s Best Games
3) Attacking Technique by Colin Crouch
4) Capablanca’s Best Chess Endings
5) Chess Praxis by Nimozwitch



1) The Art of Attack by Victor Vukovic
2) Chess Training Pocketbook by Lev Alburt
3) My 60 Memorable Games by Bobby Fischer
4) One Hundred Selected Games by Botnnivick
5) Understanding Chess Move by Move by Nunn
6) Chess Puzzle Book by John Nunn



1) How to Reassess your Chess by J. Silman
2) Fire on Board by Shirov
3)Fundamental Chess Endings by Mueller
4) Improve your Chess Now By Johnathan Tillman
5) Strategic Play: School of Chess Excellence 3
6) The Road to Chess Improvement by Yermolinsky
7) Modern Chess Opening Theory by Suetin  Zurich 1953
9) Grandmaster Secrets of the Endgame by Soltis
10) My System by Nimzowitch
11) Think Like a Grandmaster by Kotov


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